Automate Instagram to turn followers into leads and customers

Level up your social conversion funnel with automated Instagram DMs

Trigger-based journeys

Catch leads on the fly

Got a reply to a Story? Auto-DM a special deal to snag their contact details, and add them right into your CRM.

Always-on automation

Charm and nurture your leads

People sharing your content get a sneak peek at upcoming releases. They comment on a launch post and receive an exclusive BTS in DMs.

Personalization at scale

Seal the deal in DMs

Product sale post on fire with shares? DM quick-buy links or flash coupons. Our AI answers queries and nudges fans with timed follow-ups.

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Instagram DM automation that links every win right back to social

Build personalized Instagram automations with ease

Lay out the customer's journey from first touch to final sale with our intuitive Flow Builder. Create Instagram automated messages shaped by user profile and actions.

Turn followers into contacts for your CRM

Gather and sort contact info from Instagram with our Audiences feature, ready to integrate into your CRM for outreach, retargeting, and omnichannel engagement.

Collect emails and sync them to your CRM

Charm and convert with goal-driven AI

Connect your product catalog and let our AI-enhanced Instagram DM bot recommend products, send coupons, and provide instant support.

Safeguard your brand's essence in every exchange

Blacklist accounts from getting DMs, control your DM frequency, and shield your brand from negative engagements with our Brand Safety features.

Keep every interaction clean and brand safe

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Nikhil Sharma
Nikhil Sharma
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Akshay Madhani
Akshay Madhani

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